Friday, June 29, 2012

Time for a Bath

We spent three nights in the Bath YMCA - a very well run hostel right in the centre of this beautiful Georgian Town.  Here are some pictures from our time in Bath.

Christine and Liz went for coffee in the Bath Market.

Inside Bath Abbey

No comment.

We took an non-historic tour with a man in a purple suit.

He's about to do something bizarre.

All children love ice cream.

Bob - our very knowledgeable guide from the Mayor's Corps of Bath. 

The Royal Crescent.  An apartment here goes for a few million pounds.

 English history is best told with an English accent, I do believe.

Bob explains that the city of Bath was made to emulate ancient Rome in style.

One of only three bridges in the world with shops on them.  The other two - Ponte Vechio in Florence, and the Rialto in Venice.

Overlooking the river Avon which flows through Bath

Looking down into the Roman Baths

Bath has some of the most significant Roman ruins anywhere in Europe, including this partial facade from the ancient entrance to the Baths.

The Romans believed the hot springs in Bath had curative powers.  This guy needed them.

Newer statues lining the baths.

Nico's now enrolled in school in England.

No comment again.

Ready for a night on the town.

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