Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tired troopers of the Thames

That is called alliteration.  Wow, I'm sleepy.  And it's not even dinner time yet.  The flight to London was wonderful - great company, food, and entertainment.  Though Nathan's luggage went missing due to his inability to know that his suitcase is blue, not red, we were able to get out of the airport and on our way to Westminster very quickly.  Our driver first took us through scenic Tooting.  Yes, Jude, that's right, a town called Tooting.  Below are some pictures from our day.  In a few minutes, we will head out from our lovely hotel (the Georgian House) to have dinner at the oldest pub in London - Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese (a favourite hangout of Charles Dickens, Samuel Johnson, and other literary types).  Great to be here with all these energetic young people!

See exclusive video highlight of our day here:
 Sophie's Choice

On the bus, ready to roll
Photographic evidence

Great weather, despite gloomy predictions, at Big Ben!

On Westminster Bridge looking back at the Houses of Parliament

I think there are 8 in there.

Tim makes new friends so easily, despite the language barrier.

Is anyone paying attention to the history teacher?  Yes, Nicole is.

Don't worry, the horse neither kicked nor bit.

The balcony above Nico's head is where King Charles I lost his own head.

Trafalgar Square

This is in Covent Garden.  Inigo Jones, famed 17th century British architect, had arrived back in England from his Grand Tour of Europe with great new ideas taken from the Roman buildings/ruins he saw in Italy.  He built this church to essentially look like a Roman pagan temple, and changed British architecture forever.

Covent Garden - Mrs. Daniwal told us we should visit - so we did!  Lots of shops here.

The London Eye.

There are street performers every 5 feet near the London Eye.  Some are just guys in a Shrek mask with a green bucket who want money just because they are wearing a mask from Value Village.  Others, like the gentleman above, actually do something.  Well, actually, he just stood there until Sophie approached him...

Our own special bubble on the London Eye.

The guys were modelling for some other tourists in the bubble next to ours.  I think the green track pants caught their attention.
Tim has a question.  Nobody cares.

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